BbTalkin User and Dealer map
Take a look which schools, professionals, coaches use our BbTalkin products on our bbtalkin user and dealer map.
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BbTalkin is the best long range waterproof watersport communication devise on the market. You can connect up to six intercoms and have a life conversation. You don’t need to push any buttons to talk. All headsets are compatible with our BbTalkin intercoms and have a special screw valve to seamless connect to the waterproof case that comes with the BbTalkin intercom pack. With this devise you can make the difference. Upgrade your school or business and have the best waterproof watersport and wintersport communication devise out there. Don’t hesitate to contact us for information or a quote. We ship for free above €300 within EU and can deliver within 48 hours. We have always stock available and are open 24-7 for questions and information. Take a look at our shop and select your BbTalkin setup or contact us for advise about the best pack for you. Aftersales is one of the highest priorities in at Bb-Talkin.eu. All our products are imported and already in Europe and in stock. you will have service from European ground giving you a solid background. We are close, fast and reliable.